貴賓 英文
Vip = very important person. Dundrum, south, or sutton, north, both localities equally reported by trial to resemble the terrestrial poles in being favourable climates for phthisical subjects, the premises to be held under. 蓡考例句: vip lounge;reserved lounge (for honoured guests) 貴賓休息室; 3.首先,讓我來為各位一一介紹今天與會的貴賓及講師 in the very beginning, i’d like to introduce our distinguished guests and speakers today.

貴賓 英文. 專業生產「鍍 24 k 金金卡銀卡 pvc 卡「貴賓卡會員卡優惠卡積分卡條碼卡智能卡 ic 卡 id 卡 3 d 卡熱敏卡感應卡刮卡異形卡保修卡磁條卡醫療保險卡查詢卡考勤卡電信卡校園卡出入證人像卡質. 蓡考例句: vip lounge;reserved lounge (for honoured guests) 貴賓休息室; Customer和client基本上都是指有買賣關係的人,但guest是一種身份和尊稱,像來賓、貴賓、賓客等。因此英文裡有be my guest的用法。 be my guest. Dundrum, south, or sutton, north, both localities equally reported by trial to resemble the terrestrial poles in being favourable climates for phthisical subjects, the premises to be held under. 貴賓犬 (又名 貴婦犬 ,英語: poodle ,法語:caniche,德語:pudel)是一種水獵犬,依據體型可分為: 標準貴賓犬(standard poodle) 、 中型貴賓犬(medium poodle) 、 迷你貴賓. Vip = very important person.
Honorable/Distinguished Guest 貴賓 Guru 指特定領域中大師級的人物 Field 專業領域 Outstanding/Remarkable 突出的、卓越的、非凡的 Address Issue 發表議題 Contribute To 對…有.
Customer和client基本上都是指有買賣關係的人,但guest是一種身份和尊稱,像來賓、貴賓、賓客等。因此英文裡有be my guest的用法。 be my guest. 專業生產「鍍 24 k 金金卡銀卡 pvc 卡「貴賓卡會員卡優惠卡積分卡條碼卡智能卡 ic 卡 id 卡 3 d 卡熱敏卡感應卡刮卡異形卡保修卡磁條卡醫療保險卡查詢卡考勤卡電信卡校園卡出入證人像卡質. 設有貴賓廂座及貴賓廳套票出售,方便公司團體私人作招待之用,詳情請電 22687232 。 celestial clothes and jewelry boutique, managed by a professional fashion agent, has opened.
年8 月12日· 偵測) 翻譯為英文Proof Of Address?
3.首先,讓我來為各位一一介紹今天與會的貴賓及講師 in the very beginning, i’d like to introduce our distinguished guests and speakers today. Vip = very important person. Dundrum, south, or sutton, north, both localities equally reported by trial to resemble the terrestrial poles in being favourable climates for phthisical subjects, the premises to be held under.
蓡考例句: Vip Lounge;Reserved Lounge (For Honoured Guests) 貴賓休息室;
貴賓的英文: honored guest distinguished guest. 貴賓犬 (又名 貴婦犬 ,英語: poodle ,法語:caniche,德語:pudel)是一種水獵犬,依據體型可分為: 標準貴賓犬(standard poodle) 、 中型貴賓犬(medium poodle) 、 迷你貴賓. The honoured guests took their seats in due order.
Vip 要人;貴賓 英文翻譯 : Vi= Very Important Person 貴賓廂座;貴賓包廂 英文翻譯 : Vibox 標準貴賓 英文翻譯 : Poodle (Standard) 標準貴賓犬 英文翻.
貴賓服務 英文翻譯 : vip (very important person) 貴賓候車室 英文翻譯 : vip room 貴賓候機室 英文翻譯 : visuite 例句與用法 the honoured guests took their seats in due order. 40種常見狗狗品種的中英文對照表,看看有沒有你家的 | 紅貴賓狗英文 同時作為一個英語愛好者,今天為大家整理一份常見狗狗品種的英文名稱。 金毛哈士奇貴賓犬薩摩耶博美雪納瑞蘇格蘭. (二選一) every man is the architect of his.