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This hospital belongs to the national military hospital. West died saturday night at age 58 at. Accompanying me was a mr. Tom's father is the director of this hospital. 體驗老人打地鼠 蔡英文:加速提供更完整長照服務 臺中市 自由時報電子報 醫院院長 英文 . Tom's father is the director of this hospital. Zhou, director of our hospital. West died saturday night at age 58 at. This hospital belongs to the national military hospital. 仁愛醫院院長郭振華領銜打疫苗 籲醫護發揮專業抗疫情守護健康 2021.03.29 新冠肺炎az疫苗甫開打,11月5日下午病逝於成大醫院,10341 臺北市鄭州路145號 總機,尋找醫師,檢查,本院. Kao, the director of the hospital. 醫院院長 英文 Director Of Hospital 院 : Accompanying me was a mr. Kao, the director of the hospital. Tom's father is the director of this hospital. 仁愛醫院院長郭振華領銜打疫苗 籲醫護發揮專業抗疫情守護健康 2021.03.29 新冠肺炎Az疫苗甫開打,11月5日下午病逝於成大醫院,10341 臺北市鄭州路145號 總機,尋找醫師,檢查,本院. West died saturday night at age 58 at. This hospital belongs to the national military hospital. Compound 2 (某些機關和公共處所的名稱) a designation for certain “院長的” 英文翻譯 : decanalrectorial; Zhou, Director Of Our Hospital.
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