戴綠帽 英文

Headgear 歪戴帽子 cock one's hat; When a man “wears a green hat” (daai3 luk6 mou6 戴綠帽), it signifies that his. To have one's wife or girlfriend cheat on one 戴綠帽 ( 英文 : cuckold )係對人一種帶有侮辱嘅稱呼 [1] ,係指 兩公婆 嘅其中一方同第三者發生性行為而另一半唔知,通常都係侮辱男人居多。.

戴綠帽 英文
劉黎兒觀點》「以核養綠」心狠手辣 硬要用不防震超老朽核電 還不准逃生避難

戴綠帽 英文. When a man “wears a green hat” (daai3 luk6 mou6 戴綠帽), it signifies that his. ·(idiomatic, slang) to cuckold another person· (idiomatic, slang) to be cuckolded; To have one's wife or girlfriend cheat on one 有礼貌地提一下帽子致敬 tip one's cap politely; 戴綠帽 ( 英文 : cuckold )係對人一種帶有侮辱嘅稱呼 [1] ,係指 兩公婆 嘅其中一方同第三者發生性行為而另一半唔知,通常都係侮辱男人居多。. Eudict (european dictionary) is a collection of online dictionaries for the languages spoken mostly in europe.

When A Man “Wears A Green Hat” (Daai3 Luk6 Mou6 戴綠帽), It Signifies That His.

脱下帽子行礼 snatch off one's hat and bow; 戴綠帽 ( 英文 : cuckold )係對人一種帶有侮辱嘅稱呼 [1] ,係指 兩公婆 嘅其中一方同第三者發生性行為而另一半唔知,通常都係侮辱男人居多。. 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业.

In Chinese Culture, Wearing A Green Hat Is Cause For Mockery Because Of Its Hidden Meaning.

有礼貌地提一下帽子致敬 tip one's cap politely; 试戴帽子 try on a cap; Headgear 歪戴帽子 cock one's hat;

戴绿帽 (Chinese) 戴绿帽 Is The Simplified Form Of 戴綠帽.

Eudict (european dictionary) is a collection of online dictionaries for the languages spoken mostly in europe. ·(idiomatic, slang) to cuckold another person· (idiomatic, slang) to be cuckolded; Wear (glasses, hat, gloves) green hat;

戴绿帽子 (Chinese) 戴绿帽子 Is The Simplified Form Of.

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