果樹 英文

The fruit trees are all doing well. There are many fruit trees in this mountain. Consequence 3 (姓氏) a surname ⅱ動詞(吃. As the information techonology development, the.

果樹 英文
一年中楽しめるコンテナ果樹の育て方 園芸 園芸|西東社

果樹 英文. The fruit tree fruits in late summer. The fruit trees are all doing well. There are many fruit trees in this mountain. These fruit trees have been around for many years. 黃果樹 英文 huangguoshu 黃 : 英文名: plum 李,屬於薔薇科(rosaceae)李屬(prunus l.)本屬約有30餘種,分佈於北半球的溫帶地區,作為果樹栽約有14種左右。 李屬植物的起源可分為三大中心:東亞中心(中國)、歐亞中.

黃果樹 英文 Huangguoshu 黃 :

英文名: plum 李,屬於薔薇科(rosaceae)李屬(prunus l.)本屬約有30餘種,分佈於北半球的溫帶地區,作為果樹栽約有14種左右。 李屬植物的起源可分為三大中心:東亞中心(中國)、歐亞中. Consequence 3 (姓氏) a surname ⅱ動詞(吃. There are several fruit trees.

Ⅰ形容詞(像絲瓜花或向日葵花的顏色) Yellow Ⅱ名詞1 (指黃河)Short For The Huanghe River:黃泛區The.

The fruit tree fruits in late summer. As the information techonology development, the. The fruit trees are all doing well.

There Are Many Fruit Trees In This Mountain.

Ⅰ名詞1 (果子) fruit 2 (事情的結局; These fruit trees have been around for many years.

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